Silver Raven Studios is pleased to announce a long overdue overhaul of our website, Years ago after many false starts and failed attempts at finding the right person to help me with a website, I hired a photographer and designer friend in the Virgin Islands. Adrian Poe, of Silver Squid Design and Photography, did a great job for me. She used the Wix Platform to create a website I could manage myself. Now after many years and the addition of many more new paintings, it was time for an update. When I contacted Adrian again, she checked out my site and knew exactly what changes were needed. She re-worked the entire site for me and created a beautiful and functional new homepage.It is now much easier to navigate around my site and it is optimized for search engines.

I am very excited to have and "Available Artworks" section so visitors no longer have to hunt through my portfolios to find out which paintings haven't sold yet. After Adrian got me started, I had LOTS of data and images to update but it was totally worth it.

We streamlined my portfolios to Landscapes, Misc Artworks, Exhibitions, and I decided to keep a separate section for my Virgin Islands Art. I am still updating of course, but the new image gallery format in editing makes it so much easier fo me to add new paintings or make changes. I love the first impression a viewer gets of my new website and I am happy to have my latest Blog posts on my home page along with a link to my latest Instagram photos. Thank you so much for the second time Adrian Poe. As my sister said after visiting my shiny new website, "that was money well-spent."