On September 6th, 2017 Hurricane Irma slammed into St Thomas as a vicious Category 5 storm. The damage in the Leeward Islands was catastrophic and in the US Virgin Islands the worst of the impact was was on the Islands of St John and St Thomas. My home was slightly damaged and many people lost their homes completely. Much of the power grid was destroyed. People are struggling to find basic necessities but aid is arriving. If you would like to donate to to the relief effort check out at vistrong.org. The first photo is of the destruction and the Green Iguana Hotel which is managed by friends on St Thomas. This week they will start rebuilding the hotel. The second photo of the more of the damage on St Thomas was taken my an artist friend of my Ensor Colon.

Damage at the Green Iguana Hotel.

photo by Ensor Colon - 2017
The good news is the Mango Tango Art Gallery survived and will be re-opening once things stabilize on the island of St Thomas. Due to the conditions on the island, I will be remaining in Reedville, Virginia. I have rented wall space at the Rappahannock Art Center Gallery.

RAL Art Center Gallery
UPDATE: 14 days after Hurricane Irma, the island were again impacted by a Category 5 Hurricane, Maria. further damage was widespread and this storm also struck Puerto Rico. My studio had a wall blown open in this storm. The Mango Tango gallery once again survived, but I am currently unable to return to my home in the Islands.